Maple Tree’s Children’s House

Casa dei Bambini

The Maple Tree Casa program is for 3-6 year olds. It involves young children in a series of activities that are sequential, manipulative, and sensorial. These exercises bridge the gap between concrete and abstract learning.

Practical Life

Practical Life tasks help the children develop gross and fine motor skills. These activities offer the children the means to take care of themselves and their environment.


Language activities are introduced. Children learn the shapes and sounds of letters, begin manipulating writing utensils, and learn to build words, which leads to reading.


Mathematics activities foster a concrete understanding of the mathematical concepts. As the children's interests grow and develop, they move from one level to the next. Each step of the way is prepared to ensure success.


Sensorial exercises develop and enhance sense perceptions and logical thinking vital to growing minds. Following these early exercises, the children soon seek to gain an understanding of the academic materials present in their classrooms. Children are introduced to language activities and learn the shapes and sounds of letters, begin manipulating writing utensils, and learn to build words, which leads to reading.


Cultural activities include music, physical education, basic science, French, geography, zoology, botany and art taught at a sensorial level. These activities assist the child to become a compassionate, knowledgeable and loving citizen of the Casa world.